Scheme: Affordable Low Carbon Warmth – Incubator Programme
“Starting out in the incubator, I had no preconception of the direction my venture would take. It has led me to a highly challenging and invigorating experience in which I am constantly learning – about the industry, socioeconomics, technologies – but also about myself and how I deal with inevitable obstacles and frustrations. The support from peers and the ‘ecosystem’, their advice and experience have been invaluable.”
Neil – founder of Terrapin
Terrapin is developing a platform that brings together advanced assessment, installation, support, and financing solutions to speed up the adoption of energy-efficient measures in people’s homes, with a particular emphasis on heating systems. The company’s main aim is to eliminate carbon emissions from people’s homes and provide affordable warmth and comfort for all.
A significant portion of the UK’s housing stock is aged, inadequately insulated, and reliant on fossil fuels for heating, which require substantial investments to achieve efficient, zero-carbon standards. Despite the numerous advantages of making such highly invasive and costly changes to a home, owners receive limited support in terms of financial, technical, and even advisory assistance.
Validation Phase
During the Validation Phase Terrapin will work on the following:
- Develop the core technology architecture to handle a multi-sided business model (homeowner, sponsor, finance provider and project management), assess requirements and analyse outcomes
- Deliver an attractive and easy-to-use interface for homeowners to facilitate customer acquisition and initial data capture. Develop models to recommend actions, and estimate costs and savings (energy and carbon)
- Establish partnerships with contributors to the project journey (assessors, installers, finance providers, employers) and develop minimum viable product to test our value proposition to homeowners and sponsors
Establish pilot schemes in companies to understand better the requirements to set up and manage employer contributions to home energy improvements via reward and benefit structures.