Recipient: Sustainable Pioneers CIC
Grant Funding: £200,000
Ebico Affordable Low Carbon Warmth – Incubator Programme
Sustainable Pioneers believe that the challenges of making low carbon home heating affordable for low-income households requires a market facing approach where technology, entrepreneurs and risk capital are brought together to develop innovative, commercially sustainable solutions. In the Affordable Low Carbon Warmth – Incubator Programme, a systemic, collaborative, approach will be adopted utilising their established ecosystem of multiple partners with complementary capabilities, experience and networks.
Through the Affordable Low Carbon Warmth – Incubator Programme, meaningful impact in the realm of low carbon home heating affordability will be achieved by increasing the number of entrepreneurs (and the companies they form) entering the sector and using their ecosystem to allow these start-ups to scale their solutions faster.
Find out more and apply →
The Affordable Low Carbon Warmth – Incubator Programme will seek to ensure that a larger part of the stream of technical and commercial creativity in the UK start-up ecosystem is directed towards making low carbon home warmth more affordable – particularly for low-income households.
The aspiration is that, by the end of the two-year Affordable Low Carbon Warmth – Incubator Programme, two start-up ventures, offering innovative products and/or services that will help deliver affordable low carbon warmth to low-income households, will have received seed funding.
Two-Year Innovation Support Programme ending in 2023