Scheme: Ignite with Ebico
Award: Technical Review of Prototype Support
Company overview
Helios was formed to research, develop and commercialise novel concepts focusing on renewable energy generation and storage – particularly thermal energy storage.
The initial project is the Combined Heat Power and Energy Storage System (CHPES) which stores energy in the form of heat. Using our unique patent pending thermal switch, energy can be released with complete control of both outlet temperature and flow rate.
The main benefit of the system is much safer operation than using the flow rate to control temperature which is the case with conventional heat exchangers. It can therefore operate at higher temperatures thereby increasing the energy storage capacity and in turn reducing the cost per kwh of the storage system. This results in the energy being stored significantly cheaper than battery energy storage. Thermal storage is the optimum solution for thermal applications such as space heating (domestic and commercial), process heat, cooling and Green Hydrogen production. There is also scope for electricity generation as a secondary application.
Helios is currently optimising a proof of concept prototype system which they hope to upgrade with additional functionality next year. In the near future they are planning to progress to a pre-production prototype.
Ignite with Ebico scheme has awarded Helios with the Technical Review of Prototype support package.