Scheme: Ignite with Ebico
Award: Retrofit surveys (Product viability package)
Company overview
First Thermal Ltd is a social franchise of the highly successful CHEESE Project CIC, which has been developed over eight years with local community organisations. They work to pinpoint energy loss from homes using a unique thermal survey system enhanced by pressure reduction, proprietary Heatview® software, and bespoke booking/CRM system. Approximately a quarter of the surveys are free for those on low incomes, and two-thirds take remedial action within one month. The surveys enable first retrofits and help pinpoint where the problem is, leading to a substantial difference in energy performance.
The surveys reveal precisely where energy escapes from the home, making it easy to target the faults with DIY-style methods that cost under £100, resulting in rapid payback in energy savings, reduced bills, and improved comfort. Two-thirds of the homeowners take remedial action within one month after the survey was conducted.
First Thermal need to precisely measure the impact of the recommended measures to quantify the effects before and after their implementation.
Ignite with Ebico scheme has awarded First Thermal with the funding for retrofit surveys to prove the Product viability.